Gay Couple Helps 2-Year-Old Son Come Out of Closet


Jean and Adrien Dubois adopted their infant from America last year. Little Henri could say “Dada” and “Dada” at age one, but that was it, the couple told Paris Underground.


“He was really a mute outside of the occasional ‘Dada’,” Adrien Dubois said. “We were very worried about Henri. Why wasn’t he talking?”

On his second birthday the toddler said, “I am gay.”

“He said ‘I am gay’ over and over,” Jean Dubois said. “After that, he would say ‘I am gay’ constantly.”

The couple then knew that his lack of speech wasn’t because he couldn’t speak, it was because he had been harboring a shameful secret.

“Everybody knows you’re born gay, but to know your sexual orientation at such is a young age is really amazing. Even more amazing, that Henri would come out at such a young age. I’m just so proud of him for telling us. As gay men, we know his struggle and we’re providing a safe, supportive place for him to be who he is. We’ve also really encouraged him to tell everybody that he is gay and he has,” Adrien said.

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