Hillary Clinton Hired Female Escort


A Thai female prostitute, Adung Kaya, 18, came forward today with allegations that Hillary Clinton hired her on two occasions — over the last two years — for sex. A spokesman for the escort spoke on her behalf.


“My client is a lesbian and when she learned who Mrs. Clinton was and that she was a closeted lesbian my client felt it was right to come out with this news of their love making. My client feels nobody should remain in the dark closet of shame and Hillary should use her celebrity to help other lesbians come out, especially older ones like her as they have more shame.”

Many say this is a tactic to get ‘hush money.’ Mrs. Clinton pays her to go away and the allegations are retracted, but the escort’s spokesman refuted this criticism.

“We don’t want any money. My client has a pure heart and simply feels no woman should live in the closet, especially a high profile woman like Mrs. Clinton.”

Rumors have circulated for years that Mrs. Clinton is a lesbian and has used escorts. Jamie Simpson came forward in 1997 and claimed she and Clinton had an affair over the course of three years. There has been no official statement from the Clinton camp and it is doubtful there will be one.

“Most of these issues are handled behind closed doors,” a media expert said. “I’m sure Clinton can make her go away.”

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