What This Dentist Did Will HORRIFY You…

BRANDON, MISSISSIPPI —  What a young meth addict with Down syndrome went through in Brandon, Mississippi is the stuff of nightmares.


Twenty-one-year-old Chrissy Christ went in for a routine operation to extract three rotted teeth and ended up getting all 32 pulled out.

“He took my teeth,” Christ said. “He wouldn’t even give them to me so I could put them under my pillow for the tooth fairy. He lost me my teeth and a lot of money.”

Christ’s mother said the dentist gave Chrissy pills to numb the pain — and before she knew it, they had removed all of her teeth.

“The pills made me dizzy like the rides at the fair. They were shooting my gums with something that made them feel dead,” Christ reported. “I don’t remember nothing after that.”

Christ’s mother said she was trying to get her patient file from the dentist and would be filing a complaint with the state of Mississippi. In the meantime, the dentist at the Amazing Family Dental clinic has not been named and has so far not commented on the alleged incident.

“To already suffer from Down syndrome, meth addiction and to now have all her teeth removed is just, I can’t find words for it,” Chrissy’s mom said.

There are unconfirmed rumors that the dentist may have done this before. Some think he could be a ‘tooth collector’ preying on meth addicts who have little to no legal recourse to stop him.

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