Ex-Gay Man Says He Replaced Homosexual Urges With… Uhhh

Jeremy Schwab, one of the ex-gay activists, who helped get Texas Republicans to back reparative therapy (counseling homosexuals to become straight) revealed that the key to his success in overcoming homosexuality was eating a lot of food.


“Every time I feel like performing a homosexual act instead I reached for a snack. Doritos Cool Ranch chips got me through a lot of homosexual fantasies. I’d lick the seasoning off first and then just crunch into it. Chocolate dipped bananas have also been a lifesaver.”

Schwab posted a comment on his Facebook group, which featured the photo he claims was taken when he was a homosexual.

“This picture of me shirtless was taken about 7 years ago. It was BEFORE I came back to the Lord. I do not pose for pictures like this anymore because they make me look gay. I am no longer gay and I no longer look gay. Thanks to food, I have put on a lot of weight and feel I look like a normal straight American man. Some say I have replaced sexual sin with food and to them I say whatever works to not be a homosexual.”

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