Man Names Son After Favorite Alcoholic Beverage

John Weiser is a proud alcoholic.


“I think beer drinking is the only way to spend one’s life. Alcoholics have the most fun!” Weiser recently told to WKRP News.

His family disagrees saying that John has spent numerous years in prison due to alcoholic related incidents including, D.U.I.s, numerous assault and battery arrests and a murder charge after he strangled a police dog to death.

After a recently failed intervention by his family to stop John’s drinking an enraged Mr. Weiser decided to get revenge: He had his 11 year old son’s name legally changed to Bud. Bud Weiser.

His family is distraught knowing their grandson and nephew will be called Bud Weiser at school and other places, but they have no recourse.

“I hate my family for trying to stop my partying so I messed with them back by changing Gaylord’s name to Bud.” Mr. Weiser said. “You gotta admit it’s hilarious.”

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