Mom Drove With Baby in Trunk to Avoid Ticket For Not Having Car Seat

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – A mother faces child abuse charges after her 5-month-old child was found in her trunk during a traffic stop.


South Florida police said Breona Watkins, 25, sped off when they tried to pull her car over. When she stopped, the deputy heard a baby crying in the trunk.

Police found the child lying on top of a pair of hedge clippers and was surrounded by dangerous objects: a canister of gas, spilled tacks and cans of previously opened paint.

Watkins told authorities, “I had my best friend slide the baby into the trunk because I did not have a baby seat.” Oddly, her best friend is a 14-year-old girl.

“I want my baby to grow up to be a man. He don’t need a baby seat. Riding in the trunk will toughen him up now, help him grow into a man,” Watkins said. “I don’t know what everybody freaking about.”

Watkins remains jailed on $7,000 bail.

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