Man Won’t Let Stepson Join School Ski Club


Today an Idaho man, Brian Sluff, forbade his stepson from joining his junior high ski club. However, his stepson, Adam, signed up anyway.


A source close to the family said when Mr. Sluff found out Adam and disobeyed him things got heated.

“He just lost it,” the source said. ” His face turned all red. Spit came flying out of his mouth as he yelled at Adam. He said ‘no son of mine, even if you’re only a stepson, is going to be on a ski club. You’re going to play football and wrestle and that’s it!'”

Mr. Sluff called the school and had Adam removed from the club.

Adam told his biological father, Paul Stimpert, who has part-time custody, about not being able to join ski club. In a brief telephone interview Mr. Stimpert commented on the situation:

“He might be able to stop him from being on the ski club, but I’ll take him skiing the days I have him.”

Mr. Sluff told Adam he needs to refuse to ski if his father takes him or else he will be grounded on the days he’s not at his dad’s and he will have to do all the chores and go to bed early, plus no video games.

Adam’s best friend said Adam is really sad about everything, but hopes to find a way to persuade his stepdad to let him be on the ski club, even though there are no more spots available.

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