‘Psychic Girl’ Tells Man He’ll Have ‘Dildo Sex’ With His Gran, So He Smashes Up Her Car

It’s probably the weirdest, stupidest thing you’ve read about today… maybe.

molten-grannyThe above man is Casey Molter, who wasn’t too happy when his ‘psychic’ girlfriend told him he would dream about having “dildo sex” with his his DECEASED GRANDMOTHER.

The police report referred to the comment that suggested his beloved gran would ‘commit an unusual sex act to him involving an adult erotic device’. Molter got pissed and went on a rampage, smashing up his girlfriend’s 1997 Nissan Altima with a crowbar before getting himself arrested for criminal mischief.

The police report said:

Molter stated that he could not get the image out of his head and he snapped. He’s now terrified to sleep out of fear that he and his grandma will have “dildo sex.”


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