Schoolteacher Busted For Teaching Alienism


First grade teacher Darren Johnston was dismissed from Westmere Elementary School for teaching alienism to students. Alienism, according to several experts, is the belief that aliens spawned human beings and should be worshiped as Gods.


Instead of teaching history, Mr. Johnston taught students how to draw pictures of Tion, the major alien god, led prayer sessions and alien worship songs and even encouraged animal sacrifice.

A student’s mother reported to the administrative office that her son came home and asked if he could sacrifice his pet gerbil to Tion with a pencil. She thought he had seen animal sacrificing in a movie and was schocked to discover the truth: her son’s teacher was encouraging first graders to sacrifice household pets to aliens.

“My son won’t stop praying to this Tion alien. I can’t get it out of his head. Mr. Johnston brainwashed his mind and turned my son away from Jesus Christ,” she said.

Mr. Johnston declined comment. The school plans to make a formal statement soon.

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