I doubt you can survive the entirety of this wretched employee motivation music video. But give it a try.
Did you know in Aspen, Colorado it’s illegal to start a snowball fight? Check out some of the strange, archaic,..
Being a parent can be tough at times. And even the best intentioned ones can mess up from time to time. But..
Pretty clitsy of these girls to randomly approach other girls and start making out with them. Part 1: Part2:
These are the stupidest scariest airports to fly into. So if you’re a traveler you might want to avoid these. Princess Juliana..
Skyler and I had a discussion on Facebook chat about angel dust. Me: In case readers don’t know, angel dust..
A Le Meridien Hotel valet crashed and completely ruined a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder in New Delhi, India last week. Losing..
I’m luvin’ it? Are you luvin’ it?
Funny Children’s Spelling Mistakes. Spelling can be difficult, but these kids make learning fun… for their teachers and parents.
It’s called Coal Rollin’ and it’s the latest anti-environmental movement sweeping the U.S. of A. “Coal Rollers” are diesel trucks..