Sierra McGrone, who uses the alias Nocturnus Libertus on Facebook, has issued a challenge for her supporters. She has proposed..
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Now that gay marriage is legal in all 50 U.S. states, some folks are popping up saying their relationships need..
Chinese are taking game shows to a whole ‘nother level. WTH??
Miami, Florida Joey and Chad Mudd of Largo were having trouble getting their kids to do their homework and chores. But, by..
Like eating a lot? Hate dieting? Exercise a bother? Now you can pound those 20 Big Macs worry-free thanks to..
MANATEE, Florida — A Bradenton man, Triston D. Horne, 36, was charged with battery after he attacked his ex-wife for..
This Christian woman had a complete meltdown on camera shortly after the Supreme Court’s recent ruling which legalized same-sex marriage..
PERRINE, Florida, With the growing popularity of both fat shaming and illegal backyard fights, one budding entrepreneur had the idea..
Derek Water’s and a group of friends entered a Compton, California neighborhood to buy drugs last month when his best..
Photographer put out the before image that was used in a Rolling Stone article. Truly appalling what they do with touch ups...